Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Better Questions = Better Life

“Be a good listener,” Dale Carnegie emphasized in 1936 classic How to Win Friends & Influence People.

We need to understand how important good questioning is. End fewer sentences as a statement and more with a question mark to deepen a connection. Don’t overvalue your knowledge.

Asking more questions unlocks learning that will lead you to a richer life with deeper connection and understanding of the world around you.

Not all questions are created equal-

Having a road map of what you want to know or make the person feel is crucial. Then leave the follow-ups open-ended to allow the person to expand further into the direction they want.

Maximize your curiosity. Limit your opinion.

Understand what you want to know about their emotional response to an event.

Understand what you want to know about their journey in reaching an idea, decision, or action.

Understand if you want to know about their “doing” or their “thinking” or their “feeling” and ask accordingly.

Most of all, don’t try to dominate or stear the conversation. You may be the one asking the questions but they are the golden goose of answers. Don’t slaughter the goose..I mean the conversation.

To ask for a deeper relationship is to ask deeper questions.

Get that straight and you will have a new network.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Get Yourself Out of Your Bed Before Your Alarm Does:

Snoozing = low-quality sleep.

One of the hardest parts of the day is just getting up. That act of resisting gravity does something to us.

The key is having a strong enough reason to push yourself out of bed.

Plan this in advance. Write it down in fact. Whether you schedule in an early morning appointment or have a daily routine, it needs to be something motivating.

Once you are out of bed, it’s a different story.

You have to build the momentum you want to carry you through out the day.

This may look like a cup of coffee, your gym clothes layn out, or a good book on your desk. It may look like a early morning sprint or jumping jacks!

Bottom-line, find something that moves you & don’t let it go. Do it on the daily. These routines will turn to habit, and habit will turn to lifestyle.

Here’s how I would arrange for the optimal morning: Create a list the night before what the morning looks like. Visualize it to give it more flow. Have your next day’s breakfast & meal prep thought out. Have a glass of water by the bedside. Consider taking a natural sleep aid like Magnesium or a warm herbal tea. Dim the lights. Focus on small tasks that wrap up the day, slow down in momentum, and low energy.

& Go to sleep when you’re tired. There is a whole new day ahead to geek out at the next chapter of that addicting book or article you’re writing.

Don’t snooze on the importance of getting up when it’s time.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Boost Your Brain Health Today

Brain health helps improve overall function of everything else in our lives so let’s get the foundation right:

⚡️ Focus on the Brain Foods 1,2,3 GO: leafy greens, fatty fish (salmon), walnuts, turmeric, blueberries, broccoli, dark chocolate, eggs, citrus, avocado, and coconut oil. Brain functions require high amounts of energy in the form of glucose and another cocktail of neurotransmitters and other signals to function at an optimal level. Nourish your brain so it has the resources it needs to perform at the level you want.

⚡️Movement: Exercising in the form you can improves blood circulation up to the brain, reduces anxiety, and produces a cocktail of neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin that improve mood.

⚡️ Proper Sleep: Sleep improves your concentration, focus, ability to integrate new neural networks, and improve memory. Disturbance in proper sleep can lead to increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Quality sleep helps flush toxins that would otherwise build-up.

⚡️ Talking to Yourself Right: Positive self-talk can help solve problems, deal with anxiety/hardships better, and improve your performance on difficult tasks. Self-criticism can lead to self doubt and paralysis in decisions which means less likelihood of achieving goals.

⚡️ Foster Deep Relationships: Greater sociability with the right people leads to a more resilient brain. Being part of a community leads to slower memory decline & resilience even through challenge.

⚡️ Engage in Mentally Stimulating Activities: Reading an interesting book, build a new website, write something of meaning, play a game like Monopoly, or start a new creative project at work. Challenges and putting yourself in creative situations can lead to brain stimulation that creates new neural networks.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

What’s in a Mentor?

Do you absolutely need one? Mentors can hold up a beacon of light to insights, successes/failures, knowledge, network, and confidence to make your journey less rocky to where you want to go in a potentially shorter amount of time. A mentor is not absolutely needed but if you find a good one in the space you are trying to break into or grow further in, don’t sleep on an incredible asset.

Here are qualities of a great mentor:

  • They have time for you , often because you also can provide value in their own lives and endeavors.

  • They have already taken the journey you are just embarking on or are further in it than you.

  • They have personal qualities outside of the business realm that appeal to you and would make you a higher value person.

  • They have experiences of failures and successes that if learned from can help shorten your journey to whatever destination you’re striving for

Mentors can be in your work life (the owner of the business you work for, something with more years under their belt), in your virtual life (you follow them on Socials), and in your personal life (a friend with absolute clarity with their health goals). While it is not absolutely necessary to go pick out a mentor, a mentor makes it easy to see a living embodiment of principles, goals, characteristics, and values you are striving for and enriches your journey. Think about who around you inspires you and consider reaching out to build a deeper connection today.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Reduce The Noise of Excuses

Did you know excuses burn exactly 0 calories per hour? Don’t overthink, do the task that needs to be done and do it well.

The more excuses we think of into existence, the farther we are from that one goal worth accomplishing. These are the top 3 reasons excuses are holding you back:

1) Fear of going out of comfort zone: Staying in the comfort zone can be limiting you from getting to next level. The pain can actually come from staying in the comfort zone too long. The unknown is the realm of possibility. Do it scared, do it anyway & just watch your results.

2) Overthinking: Taking action solves 9/10 problems and analysis paralysis solves exactly 0/10. Take action & learn to pivot if needed.

3) You are linking more pleasure to the old habit than the new one: We associate some form of positive emotion with the old habit & less so with the new one. Once you uncover why you are holding tightly to the old way, make the paradigm shift now.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Network Like You Mean It.

Networking often has a connotation as a dirty word but having strong relationships bring value not into our own lives but also the lives of the people we are trying to connect with. A better way to look at networking is connecting & adding value in a way thats beneficial for both parties.

To think you can do everything on your own is to not know your weaknesses and holes in your knowledge or skillset. Partnerships, collaborations, & mentorship can help bridge the gap between you and what you want from a business sense, health sense, habits sense, and relationships sense.

Here are some tips to build your connections through breadth and depth:

1) Focus on the other person, how you can service them, & add value: You can use your skills to help them whether that’s advice on a field you know a lot about or help with their marketing strategy.

2) Go to & mingle in the places where they spend time: Put yourself in a position where there is a higher likelihood you will be able to meet the people you want to connect with by going where they are.

3) Attend events with likeminded people: Take part in programs, events, lectures, launches etc. where you will be around people working on similar ideas and wanting to connect while on their interesting journey.

4) Follow up and stay in touch with people you want in your circle: The work is not done when you introduce yourself and receive contact information. Go the extra mile & message them with a personal message about what they mean to you, a sincere complement, and/or asking how you can be of service given their current needs and projects.

5) Allow for the other person to express themselves & ask questions pertaining to who they are as an individual, their likes and dislikes, etc.: Don’t dictate the conversation and make it about your needs. Let the other person speak about the topics that interest them and learn along the way. This allows for infinite returns for you by leaving the doors open for new insights and knowledge you weren’t even aware of previously.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Becoming a Concious Content Consumer

Stop clicking. Start analyzing.

People often say the solution to increase productivity is to simply stop consuming and start producing. However, you should be consuming content and that to on multiple channels such as articles, lectures, videos, books, podcasts etc. to understand the world around you & the unique opportunities it presents for you specifically.

Content consumption can:

⭐️ Boost your creativity by seeing what others are doing & the ideas circling in the space.

⭐️Help broaden your knowledge of a particular subject (free education system online)

⭐️Improve your mindset by listening to and reading about the people who you look up to doing the things you admire.

⭐️ Use as stimulation or a spark to get yourself excited and moving on a topic or project.

⭐️ Connect with people on a similar journey or network with the people you want to become like.

All content consumption is not bad but limiting your intake to the right streams is what will help leverage this powerful source of knowledge & creativity.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Use of Caffeine for Energy & Focus

Caffeine, in the category of stimulants, increases brain and central nervous system activity. It usually lasts 4-6 hours per cup and causes circulation of chemicals like cortisol & adrenaline. Caffeine also increases dopamine production to help with focus and concentration. The way coffee works on a micro level is that it impacts activity of adenosine neurotransmitter which impacts attention, focus, and sleep. Coffee specifically attaches to the adenosine receptor which means adenosine keeps circulating for the boost in energy and focus.

Dr. Uma Naidoo, a contributor at CNBC, shares how limited intake of coffee can:

👉 stimulate brain and stabilize blood brain barrier through increase of serotonin and acetylcholine

👉 prevention of tissue damage with polyphenol micronutrients

👉 activation of antioxidants

According to the FDA, 400 mg of caffeine a day is acceptable. Given the typical 8 oz cup contains 95 mg, this translates to approximately 4 cups a day as “acceptable.” However, your own use of caffeine should also depend on your own health, genetics, age, lifestyle, and tolerability.

Here are ways to reduce caffeine use:

👉 Take count of your intake of caffeine on a regular basis

👉 Substitute in other energy boosting activities like movement in exchange for a cup and monitor your results

👉 Get adequate rest which can naturally boost focus and energy

👉 Drink beverages with less caffeine such as teas.

All in all, it is important to know your own body and how much to consume of anything by tuning into your body’s own rhythm and intelligence. These are some helpful tips to help you find what works for you!

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

How to Boost Productivity 300%

  1. Schedule in chunks of time for deep work in 60-90 minute sections. You are making a concrete decision to map out this amount of time real estate to work on something of meaning & build something new.

  2. Turn off the noises, screens, beeps, lights etc. that will distract you and develop the muscle you will not respond reactively to them.

  3. Figure out the hours you are most productive and capitalize on them.

  4. Limit your to-do list: This will reduce overwhelm, bring more clarity to the tasks you focus on, and focus on the most important levers.

  5. Take a Break: This is not counterintuitive. Your brain needs time to consolidate memory, needs space for creativity and rumination, & time to reset itself neurologically so you are efficient in the next round of work.

  6. Start the day with requests you make of yourself rather than emails and messages from others asking requests of your time, physical presence, or verbal response.

  7. Create a Solid Flow: When you sit down for deep work, planning your focus through key steps like sitting down at 7:30 am with a cup of coffee trains your brain to get into a habit loop instead of exhausting mental energy looking for motivation.

  8. Multitasking is not helpful as you think: Limit the amount of things you focus on at a time (ideally 1 or 2). Flipping between tasks can reduce your brain power, IQ, & energy to get things done.

Hope these help & let me know how these tips work for you!

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Sharp & Focused First Thing in the Morning:

  • Wake up at a set time every day and let your body’s circadian rhythm adopt to it.

  • Have a plan for the day: This reduces analysis paralysis and keeps clarity on the most important points/goals of the day.

  • Create a gratitude practice so you start the day with an abundance mindset and make limiting beliefs smaller.

  • Do a calming practice such as meditation, reading, movement, or even making a cup of tea. Creating stillness can bring clarity and get your mind off a hamster wheel.

  • Reduce your intake of cheap dopamine and distractions like your phone, its apps, its beeps, and red notifications first thing so you can determine what you need to respond to.

  • Read something that will put you in the right mindset. Knowing what to do and having the energy/why behind it can produce 2 totally different results.

  • Create momentum by doing a couple simple tasks or a hard task first thing in the morning. This builds confidence for the journey ahead that day.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Everything You Need to Know About the Here-to-Stay Creator Economy

Did you know that more than 50 million people around the world consider themselves creators and 60% of the jobs to exist in the near, incoming future have not yet been created yet? This new creator economy is just catching on fire and as even the micro-influencers in their niches realize their value, they are starting to use platforms of Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat etc. to create:

  • Sponsored content & Advertisements

  • Online communities

  • Virtual meet-ups

  • Digital content sales & product creation (“Merch”)

These are now even various marketing agencies and platforms that help these creators operate like a business and monetize through present and any new created opportunities.

What has caused this new trend? One of the attributions is there is a shift in our culture’s consciousness to operate with more autonomy, the way we spend our time, & be our own boss.

What are the biggest trends right now?

  • Influx of Influencer Marketing: When brands are trying to sell products and services, they do not hesitate to bring in big social media stars and movers/shakers because of their conversion rates , multiple cross channel influence, and their consistent communication/contact with the followers the brand may be wanting to reach.

  • Rise of Online Communities or Virtual Tribes: These communities allow the content creator to share information that is valuable to their audience and not available elsewhere. The communities can often pay for the content, services, or knowlege but free communities can still bring a sense of belonging, shared values, and engagement that may not be embodied on a daily basis in their physical environment. This is one trend I would keep my eyes on 100%.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Creators Are New-Gen Founders

Content creator economy is something we have all heard about and this industry is only going to boom in the next decade. The creators hold a coveted role in being able to fund their lives through creating the content they want to but as they grow, their role may evolve from being an artist to a founder. Their job encompasses community development, design, brand building, marketing, customer service, digital service/product development and roll-out, all the while creating the high quality, high engagement content that got them noticed in the first place.

With certain social platforms’ Partner Programs and Creator Funds, they make it clear that they value the individuals on their platforms to create businesses or at least monetize from their efforts and creation of content on those channels.

Over the last decade, the paradigm has shifted in that people are realizing they can generate content full time to support themselves instead of treating it as a side hustle after the 9-5 job. This mind-shift means that when these creators do expand in their reach, projects, new product/service rollout, they need to be ready with systems and operations in place to capitalize on the new opportunities to come their way. This could like support in the form of teams, technology, consulting etc. which opens up an entirely new sector of our economy all together.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

The Future of AI in Business & Marketing.

Did you from a 2021 study, 86% of CEOs think AI is here to stay in our lives and businesses? AI helps eliminate busy work, copy writing, and data collection from our schedules and there are ways to consider using it:

  1. Sales: Chatbots are said to improve sales by 67% on average and can custom tailor conversations similar to a human sales rep by responding right away, sending personalized emails, and being able to troubleshoot. AI can even use voicebots to contact the individuals on a contact list or lead generation form to ask appropriate questions.

  2. Accounting: AI can record accounts, data, correlate data, and track numbers and often is more accurate than its human counterpart.

  3. Human Resources: AI can actually help with hiring by analyzing profiles for interesting experiences, data (GPA, sales numbers), and skills to match with their company.

  4. Business Strategies: AI can help develop strategies in business to increase success in operations through improved IT processes like automating time consuming tasks of software maintenance and cybersecurity.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Startups Explained.

An entrepreneur at the most basic level is an individual who seeks an original path in creating their own business venture often times with high risk, potential high reward, and need for innovation/change in their industry.

Did you know the top 3 industries where business startups usually start? Business services, retail and food. There are also certain qualities attributed to entrepreneurs like being dreamers, fast learners, problem-solvers, risk-takes, and people who are persistent/curious.

Entrepreneurship brings value to our lives through innovation and novelty and plays a key role in any economy using skills/initiative to anticipate needs to bring ideas to the marketplace. Those who become successful in this endeavor often times keep most of the financial gain, gain a more public profile, and continued growth through opportunities and ventures with other individuals and companies.

What is a start-up? Startups are companies in early stages of growth founded by a person with a service or product that is new or more unique than other ones in its niche (or maybe in a category of its own) and has opportunity for scaling through building systems, operations, and ideas to let it breathe on a large scale.

One of the leading concerns among rising entrepreneurs is access to funds to get their projects either off the ground or expand the organization. Another concern is bureaucracy structures that can set them behind on their objectives as well as hiring the right people.

Here are the 4 types of Entrepreneurship according to Investopedia:

  • Start-ups that can Scale: This all starts with a concept which upon growth can scale to multiple markets, and can comprise of a product or a service.

  • Large company: This type of entrepreneurship is within an actual company and can branch out into other sections. The leaders of these companies often see a new market to dive into.

  • Small business: This is the idea of opening a business without turning it into a conglomerate & single location stores count as such. These individuals invest their own capital to turn profits.

  • Social entrepreneurship: Help the community through their products and services and more driven by impact compared to services.

So how do you finance these ventures? Capital funding can be very difficult and this can be done by cutting costs or “going lean",” reducing inventory, using their own money, and taking on partners armed with greater access to capital through the form of VC (venture capital) firms, angel investors, hedge funds, and even more traditional forms such as bank loans.

When entrepreneurs give equity in their companies to investors, this can result in the investor not only owning a share, but also guidance, a more long term relationship, and mentorship (as well as often times another individual to answer to).

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Why the Gut Microbiome is So Damn Important.

The gut microbiome is the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that exist primarily inside the intestines and on skin. Did you know that there are in fact more bacterial cells in your body than human cells? 40 trillion bacterial cells > 30 trillion human cells. Gut microbes can help with everything from digestion of materials like fiber to building your immunity to protection against pathogens. To get specific, a healthy gut microbiome can:

  • digest fiber

  • absorb protein

  • strengthen the immune system

  • produce 1000s of metabolites important for bodily functions

  • stop growth of pathogens (through direct competition)

Same way that diet can strongly impact the gut microbiome, low diversity of this microbiome can also be linked to obesity, diabetes, psoriatric arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

The traditional American diet can especially be harmful for the diversity of the gut microbiome because of constant exposure to large amounts of sugar, high fat content foods, and refinement processes which reduce nutrients in foods. Here are some tips to boost the health of your microbiome through health:

1) Eat plant-based diet HIGH in fiber —> According to Harvard Health, minimally processed plant foods help the gut microbiome thrive and “decrease the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disease, and obesity.”

2) Take a probiotic you’ve done due diligience on —> Probiotics can help bring balance to a gut microbiome that has unhealthy levels of certain bacteria. Effective probiotics contain the beneficial bacteria that keep the body healthy and working well.

3) Eat fermented foods —> Fermentation is the process of breaking down sugar by bacteria and yeast. Here’s a list of fermented foods & drinks to consider to supplement your diet: kefir (cultured dairy product), kombucha (bubbly, effervescent tea), miso (fermenting soybeans), and kimchi (fermented vegetables such as cabbage).

4) Limit sugar & overuse antibiotics —> High sugar levels disrupt the intestine’s exterior borders which can lead to “leaky gut” and disturbance in the gut microbiome. The pro-inflammatory properties can lead to lack of epithelial integrity & chronic low grade inflammation. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to reduced diversity of species, alteration in metabolic activity, and more resistance to the medication over time.

Start working on OPTIMIZING your gut health today and let me know how it goes for you!

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

The Issue with Cheap Dopamine These Days

Are you curious why its easier to scroll Instagram Reels than sit down with a brainy task like writing a carefully crafted email or reading something more complicated? One of the reasons is that we are constantly creating a chemical in our brain called dopamine (a reward chemical if you will) that makes us feel good when we do certain things. And OF COURSE, we are neurologically wired to want more of this chemical. Social media can lead to large amounts of this chemical to go off making us addicted and compulsively reaching for our device at all times.

One of the current solutions being pursued to combat this major issue right now is a “dopamine detox” where you detach from whatever it is that is giving you this reward in favor of less impulsive habits. Basically….make your brain as bored as possible to bring it back to that baseline state.

Dr. Cameron Sepah is the creator of the dopamine detox and the baseline concept seems to be to let yourself feel loney or bored at times instead of reaching for these quick hits of dopamine. He identifies 6 major behaviors to target specifically:

  1. Recreational drugs

  2. Excessive use of the Internet and Gaming

  3. Gambling and Shopping

  4. Porn & Masturbation

  5. Thrill and Novelty seeking

  6. Emotional Eating

One of the most common behaviors inducing big dopamine surges is Social Media as we all know. Dr. Nancy Deangelis , the Director of Behavioral Health at CRNP, states “social media platforms drive surges of dopamine to the brain to keep consumers coming back over and over again. The shares, likes, and comments on these platforms trigger the brain’s reward center, resulting in a high similar to the one people feel when gambling or using drugs.”

By fasting from these activities, people are less dependent on hits from dopamine which in turn can impact your motivation, ability to put in deep work, stay focused and even impact health (sleep being one facet).

However, a deficiency in dopamine does not mean a complete depletion from the body. The human body can naturally produce dopamine even without exposure to certain stimuli- it is the constant bombardment from the modern stimuli of our environment which is the issue. Something to consider and look into more for yourself…

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

“Food Rules” by Michael Pollan- A Quick Summary for You.

We all know that over time our average American diet has become heavier in sugars, saturated fats, and contains chemicals/additives that we can’t even pronounce let alone know what they are. Picking the right foods for yourself has become harder when feeding yourself should feel more like natural, intuitive process based on your needs. Michael Pollan in The Food Rules helps break down the often confusing science of nutrition/food and simplifies step by step with a new "food rule” presented in each one of his chapters. Here is a list of 6 of his food rules that stuck out:

1) Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food: The logic behind this statement is foods are processed today in ways specifically designed to target our brain to crave tastes like salty and sweet. Packaging makes us believe this “foodish item” is something we deeply need.

2) Would you keep it in your pantry as a single ingredient? No? I don’t even know what that is? Might be a food to avoid upon further research for yourself.

3) Can a third grader pronounce this ingredient? No ? May be something to avoid.

4) “Lite” or “low fat” can translate into high sugar content to make up up for the lost flavor profile.

5) Shop the peripheries of the supermarket (dairy, vegetables & fruits, meats) and be wary of the middle (snack foods, chips, sodas etc).

6) Can you picture this food in its natural state growing from a tree, the soil…in nature? Yes? You’re onto something! No? It may have been processed or refined with other substances to get to this state.

To end- it is important to consider what you consume on a daily basis because you are what you eat. These are not hard rules to follow but to consider and research more for yourself to make educated decisions on your diet, one of the most important pillars of your health.

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

Supplementation & the game-changing brand CYMBIOTIKA

What’s in the power of the supplement pill? Supplements can help meet higher nutritional demands of your body given a demanding lifestyle or a potentially lack-luster diet that you have. Even if you are eating the “right foods” per say, supplements can help correct deficiencies in the quality/quantity of that good.

For those who load up on the fruits & veggies, eat lean protein, whole grains etc., it is important to know that environmental conditions have made in in the last century that the soil depletion (from consistently farming the same crop on the land), chemicals, refinements, and preservatives have made it that our food is not as whole as it may seem accordingly to the labels of the grocery story.

According to a National Geographic issue published May 2022, mounting evidence shows “many fruits, vegetables, and grains grown today have less protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and Vitamin C than those grown decades ago” and this is still factoring out the standard American diet is often saturated with refined carbohydrates, sugars, and depleted in essentials like minerals and vitamins needed to stave off disease.

CYMBIOTIKA is one brand changing the way supplementation is approached because of the way it fills nutritional gaps and optimizes the health of the body. The combo of traditional Eastern medicine, research, and innovation leads to CYMBIOTIKA’s high quality products having rapid absorption technology to deliver optimal results.

The 3 products I’ve investing in right now & worth checking out for yourself are:

1) Golden Mind (with L-Theanine, Phosphatidylcholine, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, & other natural extracts and oils)

👉 Boosts cognitive function

👉 Increases focus and alertness

👉 Calms central nervous system

2) Sleep

👉 Encourages stress release

👉 Promotes deep sleep

👉 May help promote more restful nervous system

3) Creatine

👉 Stimulates brain health and cognition

👉 Helps athletic performance & strength

👉 Promotes youthful skin

Try the brand out for yourself and let me know what you think!

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

How to Change Your Beliefs

Tony Robbins said “new experiences trigger changes only if they cause us to question our beliefs” in his book Awaken the Giant Within. Here are 5 truths from his book that will help you change the beliefs that are stopping you from reaching the next level:

1) If you question anything enough, eventually you’ll begin to doubt it.

2) Raise a belief to the level of conviction to create mastery in any area of your life. How do you raise your belief to a conviction that will have meaning for you?

  • Start with a basic beleif

  • Reinforce your belief by adding new and more powerful references

  • Find a triggering event, or else create one of your town and fully connect to the question “what will it cost me if I don’t”

  • take action because action gives power to your commitment

3) Pain is the ultimate took for shifting beliefs.

4) The way to expand our lives is to model the lives of those people who are already succeeding

Beliefs have the potential to create the future you want or break any hopes of it. Choose the beliefs that fill you up and propel you 🚀

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Liv Chahal Liv Chahal

How Our Believe Systems can Create or Hurt our Future Selves

Tony Robbins profoundly said in his book “Awaken the Giant Within” that “it is not the events in our lives that shape us but our beliefs as to what these events mean.”

In one of his chapters of his quite literally-life-changing- book, he reminds people all over the world of the power of the human spirit to overcome virtually any level of pain, any challenge, or any problem. He emphasizes is it not the events that dictate our lives but the meanings we process these events to have for us that shape our future through thought and action.

2 Questions Tony asks us to understand is whenever something happens in our life our thoughts in our head mirror the underlying a) “will this mean pain or pleasure” and b) “what must I do to avoid pain and/or gain pleasure.”

The Challenge for today that Tony also presents is: Rethink the way you approach your own Challenges because:

1) Most of us do not consciously imply meaning to events/experiences, our programming (negative or positive experiences do that for us).

2) These past negative or positive experiences can be misinterpreted and often have a lot of subjectivity.

3) A belief can be changed because it is your interpretation

To create a longer term positive change in behavior, you have to first address and change the belief(s) that are holding you back.

Lastly, beleifs can impact the physical body as much as our emotional being. Tony annunciates on the fact that beleifs “have the capacity to make us sick or make us healthy in a moment” as they have been researched to affect our immune systems even. That one change you make in a BROAD limiting belief can in fact change every other aspect of your life. That is profound.

MORE to come on how to change a belief and “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins! —>

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