Use of Caffeine for Energy & Focus

Caffeine, in the category of stimulants, increases brain and central nervous system activity. It usually lasts 4-6 hours per cup and causes circulation of chemicals like cortisol & adrenaline. Caffeine also increases dopamine production to help with focus and concentration. The way coffee works on a micro level is that it impacts activity of adenosine neurotransmitter which impacts attention, focus, and sleep. Coffee specifically attaches to the adenosine receptor which means adenosine keeps circulating for the boost in energy and focus.

Dr. Uma Naidoo, a contributor at CNBC, shares how limited intake of coffee can:

πŸ‘‰ stimulate brain and stabilize blood brain barrier through increase of serotonin and acetylcholine

πŸ‘‰ prevention of tissue damage with polyphenol micronutrients

πŸ‘‰ activation of antioxidants

According to the FDA, 400 mg of caffeine a day is acceptable. Given the typical 8 oz cup contains 95 mg, this translates to approximately 4 cups a day as β€œacceptable.” However, your own use of caffeine should also depend on your own health, genetics, age, lifestyle, and tolerability.

Here are ways to reduce caffeine use:

πŸ‘‰ Take count of your intake of caffeine on a regular basis

πŸ‘‰ Substitute in other energy boosting activities like movement in exchange for a cup and monitor your results

πŸ‘‰ Get adequate rest which can naturally boost focus and energy

πŸ‘‰ Drink beverages with less caffeine such as teas.

All in all, it is important to know your own body and how much to consume of anything by tuning into your body’s own rhythm and intelligence. These are some helpful tips to help you find what works for you!


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